Invalid Report against David

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by Toon Link, Oct 23, 2014.

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  1. Toon Link

    Toon Link Banned

    Name of Staff/Player:
    Steam ID of Staff/Player:
    He's apart of your team you find him.
    Which Server:
    East 1
    Which Map:
    The one with the big Pool
    Which Round:
    Time of Occurence:
    Reason For Report:
    Mod abuse, I was Underneath the pool area and you know where all the exploding barrels are? well I throw a grenade in the middle of all of those berrels and a traitor kills me before it explodes, Now istant karma set in and the berrels got me an afterkill when 1 entered the area people are usally safe in, And killed the guy who killed me!
    And then I get reported for RDM! Its not RDM because I was dead and I knew he was the traitor when I was dead, Anyway after putting this in my part of the story mod david gave me a slay (I doubt he even read it or investigated it he just assumes im the bad guy every single time) and didn't tell me why I was being slain! I typed in admin chat "What the fuck" So you know what I did... I killed the pig son of a bitch... And then I was banned because I killed a mod... He is now on top of my lists of mods I hate.
    Also the guy who reported me got banned for MASS RDM +3 20 minutes ago... So you know... Davids banning everyone over there!​
    Evidence And/Or Witnesses:

    Last edited: Oct 23, 2014

    POP STAR have a nice day VIP Emerald Bronze

    Salutations Toon Link,

    I banned you for Blatant MASS RDM(Repeat Offender), as seen here:

    I'm sorry to hear that I did not make it to the top of your preferred staff members list. That doesn't dissuade me from providing you the truth, however. I did not ban you for RDM'ing a Staff member. I banned you for Blatantly RDM'ing a Detective and then saying this phrase to back up why you did it:


    (A clear sign you meant to do it on purpose). Based on your history, I simply asked for Admin discretion via @Disruptionz to give you a full MASS RDM ban.

    Here are the logs pertaining to your RDM against me, the Detective.

    Regarding your slay; it was justified. You had no reason to throw a grenade at a bunch of explosive barrels. Yes, it ended up killing your killer after your death, but that doesn't account for that fact that it was RDM the second you threw the grenade at the explosive barrels. Just because the player ends up dying after killing you doesn't change the situation. He simply managed to end your life before he was going to be RDM'd by you.

    This thread will remain open for discussion in hopes of furthering your understanding of why I did what I did, and what you can maybe work on in the future.

    I await your response.


  3. Toon Link

    Toon Link Banned

    Do you know the first thing people do when they go down the basement in the pool map... Thay blow up those berrels! Its the purpose of why they are there.
  4. ZeRo

    ZeRo :sneaky: Banned VIP Silver

    The purpose isn't to blow them up and RDM other players.... if you damage or kill someone while you're blowing up the explosive barrels for no reason as either an innocent or a detective (or a traitor damaging or killing his/her traitor buddies without warning), then it constitutes to RDM.
  5. Opii

    Opii Keep it Simple. VIP

    Unintentional and accidental damage to another player is still RDM. By sheer luck you pulled the pin of the grenade before your death and before you had any knowledge of the player's role in the game. This was indeed a justified slay as it always has been since this occurrence of blowing up barrels and damaging/RDMing other players is common, especially on this map.

    Your own misbehavior and intentional RDM of a detective after only being back on our servers for less than week or so leads me to believe that this sort of behavior, which you have not changed within the month of your last ban, is likely to continue. Unless you plan to change your trollish attitude and behavior and stop burdening the servers with intentional RDM and inability to follow their rules, an extension and globalization of this ban is in order.
  6. Darktooth

    Darktooth I was #1 VIP

    Toon Link, you would think that with your past offenses, your previous record on the servers, and your general attitude towards staff that you'd actually try to change and not cause a ruckus. You don't seem to have learned from your past bans, which is leading me to want to extend and globalize this current ban on you up until you learn your lesson for good.

    Can you give me a reason not to make this an 8 week global ban, since you have no care for our community and continue showing yourself to be a toxic player?
  7. Enigmatica

    Enigmatica The Song Lives On Banned

    If you throw a grenade into a bunch of barrels and it explodes and kills a bunch of people, that's your fault
  8. Darktooth

    Darktooth I was #1 VIP

    Frankly, Toon Link, I don't think you have any reason for me to not take this into my own hands. I am going to extend this 5 day Mass RDM ban into an 8 week RDM/Trolling w/ Past Record global ban, by approval of the higher ups.

    In your time away from the servers, I recommend quitting your toxic nature. You're not even trying to be a good player. You've been fighting the staff team ever since you came here, making 4+ alt accounts on the forums to evade a ban when you were trolling/spamming on the forums. I do not think you are a good player in this community, and this ban from the servers will give you time to clear your head.

    And if you DO end up coming back and causing the same amount of garbage that you are now, I can say with much confidence that you will probably be escorted out permanently.

    I hope you have a wonderful day, and 8 weeks.

    Report found invalid. Thread locked.
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