Re-evaluating Donation Perks

Discussion in 'TTT Suggestions' started by Predated, Oct 10, 2014.

  1. Predated

    Predated VIP

    Well, I've been VIP+ for 3 months, 3.

    It's gotten quite stale after a while of just having VIP+.

    Like, sure I love the weapon loadout in Vanilla, and any other servers, and the discounts in the Pointshop.

    But it got quite old of seeing it day after day and I thought, what the hell, I might just make a [What do you want to see added as a donation perk] topic.

    Note: I'm not adding:

    Points to the pointshop [EG: Adding points to your account when you didn't]
    Reserved slots [This is for staff to join a full server to staff on]
    Commands. [Now hold up, hold up! I'm not having !kick or !ban or !slay or !maul or any of the Ulx commands.
    There is some commands out there that are for fun too, but you can only use them per 10 seconds to avoide abusing them.]
    Vote stuff [Like vote kick or vote ban or vote map]

    Now here are my suggestion, now the BEST ONES will be posted here, and I will personally talk to @Highwon to figure out what he can add and what not.

    It's not a guarantee that he will say yes to any of them, but he will listen, because he is that guy.

    But no outrageous requests and no bullying others for their suggestion.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  2. The Law

    The Law You fought the law and the law won. VIP Silver Emerald

    Reserved slots for VIP+ donators would be good.
    How about a special camo for your pistols for example? Maybe a gold camo. I pick pistols because there's less of them and it would be easier to reskin or re-color them. I'd donate for VIP+ if I could have a gold colt.
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    • Dumb Dumb x 1
  3. Python~

    Python~ Young Bard VIP Silver Emerald

    I suggested adding a reserved slot for Donators+ in the Shout-Box earlier today, but it was shot down
    Other than that, there really isn't much to add. Maybe a couple new skins, but nothing major.

    Perhaps allow Donators+ to spawn with the gun and the ammo for it
    - e.g. You spawn with an AK47 as Donator, but can spawn with SMG ammo and the AK47 at VIP; VIP+ could then spawn with ammo for their pistols
    This would be an option to enable/disable in the Loadout tab
    Last edited: Oct 14, 2014
  4. The Law

    The Law You fought the law and the law won. VIP Silver Emerald

    +1 they could spawn with full ammunition at the start of the round, so they won't need to search for the ammo.
    • Like Like x 3
  5. Predated

    Predated VIP

    Good, good, I like the ideal of having the ammo thing and maybe the skins thing, but we might have to consider the fact that if reserved slot are made a thing, they will be only VIP+
  6. Python~

    Python~ Young Bard VIP Silver Emerald

    They won't be added for anyone besides staff, apparently. I already asked about it and it's not happening
  7. Predated

    Predated VIP

    Yeah, maybe we can add some type of VIP+ weapons, but they are like the same weapons. But with more...VIPy stuff.
    • Dislike Dislike x 1
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  8. DocFox

    DocFox The Best Is Yet To Come VIP Silver Emerald

    Maybe when @Highwon adds new weapons to a server, the players with the reserved loadout for that weapon get to test it for like the first week. So donators and above test new handguns, VIPs and above get to test long guns, and VIP+ gets to test new grenades or maybe even get their own, non-OP, nade.
    • Like Like x 3
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  9. Python~

    Python~ Young Bard VIP Silver Emerald

    Re-add the Lion
    • Dumb Dumb x 2
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Winner Winner x 1
  10. Predated

    Predated VIP

    Oh god no.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  11. Predated

    Predated VIP

    No, I was hoping more of a upgrade, like a separate menu for VIP's.

    The thing that matters most is the points, like perks for the pointshop, double points, able to change your pointshop layout, buy credits[1 use per day] some better chance to get T.

    Able to have permissions in TS3.
  12. Python~

    Python~ Young Bard VIP Silver Emerald

    If you're going to get more credits, they should come with the donation. Everyone should be allowed to buy credits if that's the case. I don't realy see an incentive for people to buy VIP just to be able to buy credits which they would then have to spend more money on
    As for the TS3 permissions, I hardly see anyone but staff in the TeamSpeak, and I don't know what kind of permissions they would have that would be some kind of incentive

    So -1 from me for those
  13. 1. Donators will NEVER get a reserved slot.
    2. Would like new donator perks, but there's not much I can think of.
    • Dislike Dislike x 1
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  14. Predated

    Predated VIP

    Listen bro, if you have read the whole post man, and I'm sorry to say it, but as I said before, no.

    Good to see you thinking of stuff, as of now, all of us can't think of anything.

    But here is something, why don't we get custom skins for guns made, or custome names or ranks, added to us, but at a diffrent price.
    • Dumb Dumb x 1
  15. As for skins for guns, that's a creative idea. I already suggested names and ranks that are customizable, and it was hated so badly I deleted the post.
    • Informative Informative x 1
    • Dumb Dumb x 1
  16. Python~

    Python~ Young Bard VIP Silver Emerald

    Just realized you spawn with full ammo for all guns in your loadout on Vanilla, but I wish we could have it on the other servers as well, with the aforementioned way
  17. Enigmatica

    Enigmatica The Song Lives On Banned

    I'd be in favor of VIP+ players getting the following added benefits:
    • Loadouts start with full ammo.
    • [Vanilla] VIP+ Colt 1911 (since VIPs start with full ammo, they need a separate perk)
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  18. Python~

    Python~ Young Bard VIP Silver Emerald

    Colt isn't a Vanilla weapon, however, so I still think that should be left out of it, as much as I would love not not have to switch to the Deagle on Vanilla
    Still in favor of the full ammo suggestion since I was the one to first recommend it.
  19. That dumb rating comeback
  20. Python~

    Python~ Young Bard VIP Silver Emerald

    Comment that agrees with me gets 3 likes but I get none ;-;
    i cri
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